Next Day Delivery

Copier Machine Rentals

1-3 months

Negotiate free delivery, installation, and training

Compare models before making a long-term purchase

Copier Machine Rentals

Copier Lease

Handle a special project or overflow workload

By following the leasing process, you can be sure to get the best equipment at the most affordable price and terms.

Upfront purchase costs - From $200 to $20,000+

Copier Leasing

Lease structure can have tax benefits

Monthly Duty Cycle - Total recommended monthly print volume

Purchasing Copiers and Printers Outright

Ricoh Printers Lease

Copier Leasing
Copier Rentals

Copier Rentals

Customer reviews and ratings are available online.

The Right Choice for Your Business

Leases allow for easier upgrades; purchasing makes upgrades more complicated and expensive

MFD Printer Lease

Mobile printing capabilities, Ethernet, WiFi and network connectivity

Length of lease term - Typically 3-5 years; can be shorter or longer

Call for service promptly when problems arise

MFD Printer Lease
Copier Lease Near Me

Reduce costs for short-term needs

Replace consumables such as toner and drums on a regular basis

Purchases with lower upfront costs

Copier Lease Cost

Test equipment before purchasing.

Current and future business printing needs

Leasing is less expensive upfront than buying, but you must pay the entire price upfront.

One cost-effective option is leasing copiers instead of purchasing them outright. Leasing spreads costs over time, includes maintenance, and allows for easy upgrades.

Research and partner with reputable copier suppliers or leasing companies known for offering high-quality, reliable copiers.

The best choice depends on your specific requirements. Evaluate factors like budget, usage volume, and desired features to determine if leasing, purchasing, or renting is ideal.

Leasing offers benefits like lower upfront costs, maintenance included, flexible terms, and easy equipment upgrades.

Compare lease offers from different providers, negotiate terms, and consider refurbished or lower-volume models for affordability.

Ensure the lease aligns with your business needs, choose the right leasing company, and maintain the copier properly to maximize its utility.

Leasing provides budget flexibility, access to advanced technology, tax advantages, and eliminates the hassle of equipment disposal.

Assess your usage, budget, and service requirements. Read lease terms carefully, negotiate when possible, and choose a reputable leasing company.

Opt for a fair market value lease, consider energy-efficient models, negotiate service agreements, and assess your true copier needs to save costs.